Bayne Genealogical Research
Ancestral chart

Ancestral chart

You can order the following ancestral charts:

2 generations (6 ancestors) - 450SEK*

3 generations (14 ancestors) - 980SEK*

4 generations (30 ancestors) - 2100SEK*

5 generations (62 ancestors) - 4400SEK*

6 generations (126 ancestors) - 8800SEK*

*In case of an unknown person the price will be reduced accordingly.

Order form here.

The chart includes the following information:

  • Name
  • Title/Occupation
  • Birth date + parish
  • Marriage date + parish
  • Death date + parish
  • Cause of death (if information exists)


Should you wish to include information about siblings, this can be included at a cost according to which time period is affected. Please contact me for more information at christina[at]

Ancestral Chart and Report:

The ancestral chart will be presented to you in a report (in text) as well as a chart, see example to the right. The report will include complete information with full references, as a Word- and PDF-document. Additionally you will get the GEDCOM-file that you then can use in any genealogical software, as well as on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA etc.

Note that...

There are certain limitations to what type of ancestral chart is possible to produce depending on what year the primary person was born. F e it is not feasible to expect a 6 generation chart for a person born in the 1700s. On the other hand, anyone born in the early 1900s it is doable.

It is an advantage if you know the primary person's birth date and parish (preferable is as much information as possible). Should an extensive research be needed this can be done at a separate fee.

You can contact me at christina[at]

Order form for your ancestral chart here.

Ancestral charts

Ancestral chart 3 generations
Ancestral chart 3 generations