Bayne Genealogical Research
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Skriv några rader om vad du tycker om jobbet jag gjorde åt dig så att jag vet vad jag ska fortsätt med och vad jag kan förbättra. Du kanske har tankar om de videor du sett och vill berätta. Tack för att du tar dig tid!

Historical photo genealogy

Genealogical research to write the family chronicle

"I paid Christina Bayne to do some research for me in March 2016. I was very pleased with her work. She found a key document--from Denmark, no less--which no one else found. (Americans think that and Family Search cover all bases. Not true!) Her input was more than just combing databases and finding documents. She suggested new avenues to explore, which turned out to be quite interesting. Christina has a genuine interest, drive, and intuitive understanding of genealogy that elevates her above a robotic "search engine." I have learned that paying a professional genealogist to go the "extra mile" is worthwhile. Christina is exemplary in that regard." 

 - Diana Walstad, USA 2016