Bayne Genealogical Research
Skånes history


Young Sweden

Skåne was Danish up until 1678 when the Swedes in one of many battles took Skåne. Skåne, physically part of Sweden had been Danish since xxxx. In the aftermath of the final conquering of Skåne Danes who did not want to obey the Swedish King were forced to leave, chased to Denmark or if still remaining but not wanting to obey the King killed, decapitated and strung up to make a point.


Skåne - young Sweden


If your ancestors came from Skåne they could be of Danish or Swedish origin.


Kärnan in Helsingborg is more than 900 years old, part of the old fort. Have a look for yourself.


There are still remnants of Denmark in Skåne. Look closely at the church when you visit.

Get to know what life was like

If you would like to know a little bit of what the emigrants and soon to be imigrants went through I recommend reading Wilhelm Moberg's four books about Karl-Oskar and Kristina.